Hopstar IPA



Knee Deep Hopstar IPAFrom Reno, Nevada comes Knee Deep Brewing Company’s Hopstar IPA. Reno’s not exactly Beer Mecca, is it?

Hopstar pours a lovely translucent copper, with a creamy, white head that quickly bubbles away to a thin surface skim of foam. Lightweight lacing falls fluidly down the glass. Sweet malt on the nose, with grapefruit and pine resin hops. A little musty, like a dog just in from the rain. Taste is sweet up front: toasted grains and piney hops agitated by carbonation. Lacks the aggressive hoppiness and character of a typical California IPA. Lightweight and refreshing, with a lasting crisp, bitter finish. Better than expected, but Hopstar isn’t quite the rockstar I’d hoped.

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