Retribütion Imperial IPA


Style: ,

High Water Retribution Imperial IPAIt was a hot one today: 91 degrees according to the bank’s digital thermometer downtown. At one point we wandered down to Petaluma Market pretty much as an excuse to enjoy their air conditioning. I grabbed the latest pair of Stone Imperial Russian Stouts (next week?), but wanted an IPA tonight. Then I spotted the umlaut. I’m a sucker for an umlaut.

High Water Brewing Retribütion Imperial IPA claims to be “brewed for the true connoisseur of all things hoppy.” Sounds like my demographic.

No idea what Retribütion is getting even for, but it pours rich amber with a frothy, off-white head that leaves a clean glass behind. Sweet and bright on the nose: caramel, brown sugar, and lemon zest. Taste delivers on scent’s promise, adding rich toffee and a piney bittersweet bite. Agile mouthfeel; well-balanced carbonation and viscosity. Bitter against the palate and the back of the throat. The full Cali-IPA experience. Crisp finish. Leaves you wanting more. Retribütion makes a seriously pleasant California IPA: Big, Bold, and Bitter. Watch for this waterfall… It’s worthy.

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