10.10.10 Vertical Epic Ale
Brewery: Stone Brewing Co.
Style: Belgian Strong Pale Ale
Series: Vertical Epic
ABV: 9.5%
Size: 22 oz bottle
Website: http://www.stonebrew.com
Brewed with “Muscat, Gewurztraminer, and Sauvignon Blanc grapes and chamomile”? Could be interesting.
Stone 10.10.10 Vertical Epic Ale pours golden amber/white with a quickly dissipating head. Minimalistic lacing. Notes of spice, orange zest, and white grape up front. Flat, no discernible carbonation, but a pleasant, white wine-like, warm mouthfeel. Floral and perfumed, suggesting Belgian yeasts and grapes–reminds me of a guy from a writing group, had a routine, “Why don’t you ever talk about wine in terms of grapes?”, kill-’em-dead funny. Sweet finish, with just a little back-of-throat burn. Very drinkable, but I feel a little weird about the whole grape thing. Ranks well in Stone’s Vertical Epic canon.