Believer Double Red Ale
Brewery: Ninkasi Brewing Co.
Style: Red Ale
ABV: 6.9%
Size: 22 oz bottle
Tonight’s adult beverage is from Eugene, Oregon, Ninkasi Brewing Company’s Believer Double Red Ale. (With the new washing machine in the background. Dryer to come.)
Believer pours ruby-red with a thick, creamy head which evaporates slowly and leaves cathedral-arch lacing on the edges of the glass. Toasty malt aroma. Lots of malt up front. Some hoppy bitterness, but sweet. Robust mouthfeel with minimal carbonation. Long-lingering bitter aftertaste, but very drinkable. Not quite as impressed with this one as I was with Ninkasi’s Tricerihops, but a very enjoyable adult beverage overall.